There are currently over 2000 World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM) groups
in over 115 countries following John Main's teaching on Christian Meditation.
Christian Meditation is a mantra-based practice. Your mantra is a silent act of love and faith. It is an expression of your desire to be united in the loving prayer of Jesus rather than following any thoughts or ideas of your own. It is a way of leaving everything behind, of following Jesus, and of wanting to do only His will. Fr. John Main recommends the Aramaic word "Maranatha," which in English means "Come, Lord." This Aramaic word is one of the earliest known Christian prayers. Alternatively, you may choose a word or phrase of your own: "Jesus" or "Come, Holy Sprit" or "Be merciful to me, a sinner." Whichever word or phrase you use, keep to it always. Do not replace it to suit a changing mood.